10 Reasons to Study in Poland for International Students

Poland has emerged as an interesting destination for international students seeking education abroad. Alongside the quality education, the affordability and the cultural heritage, Poland has certainly what it takes to make it an excellent choice for university studies. In this article, let’s explore the top 10 reasons why international students should consider Poland as their next study destination.

Read here our guide on how to choose the perfect study abroad program

High Quality Education

When it comes to choosing a study destination, the quality of education is paramount. Poland, therefore stands out as an exceptional choice for over 1.2 million students. With nearly 380 universities in the country, including a plethora of colleges for arts, faculties of humanities, and universities of technology, you’re not short of academic opportunities. What makes this even more interesting is that most of these programs are offered in both Polish and English languages. 

This ensures accessibility for international students. Additionally, there are hundreds of languages available, catering to a diverse range of language enthusiasts. Moreover, Poland’s universities stand out for their academic excellence and global recognition. They boast well-equipped laboratories and supercomputers, creating a great learning environment for academic pursuits, even for those who are not fluent in Polish.

Growing Educational Sector

Poland is actively ensuring that its education system adheres to European and international standards. This commitment to quality education is reflected in the continuous development of academic programs and curricula. Additionally, Poland is making significant strides in research and development. Students in Poland therefore have access to cutting-edge research facilities and opportunities to work on innovative projects. 

Moreover, Poland is part of the Bologna Process, a European initiative that aims to create a standardized and harmonized education system across the continent. This means that your qualifications from a Polish university will be recognized and accepted throughout Europe. It opens up opportunities for further studies and career prospects, making Poland a smart choice for international students.

Affordable Tuition Costs

One of the most significant reasons to study in Poland is the cost. Compared to other European countries, the price of tuition is fairly lower for most universities in Poland, with tuition fees ranging from EUR1500 to EUR3000 per year. Additionally, you may also learn for free if you secure a scholarship, as is the case for many internal students. 

This makes studying in Poland even more attractive, as these scholarships help ease the financial burden. Many universities, both public and private, offer scholarships to students with outstanding academic records. Furthermore, you get great value for your money because the quality of education in Poland exceeds the tuition fees you pay.

Find out our list of European affordable countries to study abroad, including Poland.

Inexpensive Living Costs

In addition to its affordable tuition fees, Poland offers an exceptionally budget-friendly living environment. The cost of living in Poland is remarkably lower compared to many Western European nations. This makes it a great destination for students seeking financial independence while studying abroad. You can rest easy about your expenses, as Poland provides affordable options for various aspects of student life. 

For example, dormitories are available starting from just €60 per month per student, and a cinema ticket can be as low as €2.50. Even a satisfying cafeteria lunch starts from as little as €2. With such economical options, it’s no surprise that Warsaw, the capital of Poland, ranked as the most affordable European city to study in the 2016 QS Best Student Cities index. 

Read here our guide on the living and studying cost in Poland

General Life as a Student in Poland

Poland is home to a diverse and welcoming international student community. With a variety of academic centers in cities like Warsaw, Kraków, and Wrocław, you’ll hang out with students from all over the world. And the multicultural atmosphere will enrich all the more your overall experience.

Each of these vibrant cities has something to offer for everyone: whether it’s the artistic scene in Kraków, the hipster culture of Warsaw, the European Capital of Culture in Wrocław, or other academic towns like Lublin, Poznań, and Gdańsk.  This not only helps students broaden their global perspective. It also makes it easier to adapt and connect with like-minded individuals.

Additionally, Poland’s cities offer a wide range of recreational activities, from running to exploring historical sites, art galleries, music concerts, and museums. Moreover, Poland’s central location in Europe makes it an ideal base for exploring the continent. Weekend getaways to neighboring countries are both convenient and affordable.

Working Along with Getting Education in Poland

International students in Poland have the right to work part-time during their studies. This can help cover part of their living expenses and provide them with a valuable work experience. This opportunity is available to all enrolled students in Poland, including those who are not EU citizens. The only condition is for them to hold a valid residency permit. Students can typically find various part-time jobs, some requiring basic Polish language skills. 

The work hours limit is 20 hours per week during studies and can extend to full-time work for 3 months during holidays. Additionally, Poland is a thriving destination for internships in Europe. The country offers opportunities in cities like Kraków and Warsaw, particularly in fields like marketing, business, management, human relations, and health. 

Learn also how to get a student visa to Poland.

Post-Graduation Employment Opportunities

Another key reason to study in Poland is the possibility to stay back and work in the country after graduation. This is a significant opportunity to advance career. Also, Poland’s stable economy and low unemployment rate in the European Union make it an attractive destination for graduates. Moreover, Foreign companies prefer Polish university graduates. And there’s no need for a work permit as long as your residence permit is in order. 

For those looking to start a business, the Polish ‘Academic Incubators of Entrepreneurship’(Akademickie Inkubatory Przedsiębiorczości) and Technology Parks can provide valuable support. Poland also fosters entrepreneurship, with events like the Warsaw Innovation Week serving as a hub for attracting foreign investors. Choosing to work in Poland after graduation offers promising career prospects. 

Fast-Growing Stable Economy

Poland’s economy has been steadily growing over the years. Its status as the sixth-largest economy in the EU attests to the country’s financial stability. This presents a promising outlook for students and graduates alike. Moreover, the country’s low unemployment rate is a testament to its strong economy, making it an attractive place to launch one’s career.

Additionally, Poland fosters an innovation-friendly atmosphere, with the government and private sector supporting young innovators. Tech students can tap into these opportunities at the annual innovation week in Warsaw. In summary, Poland’s robust economy, affordability, and innovation support make it an ideal choice for education and career prospects.

Impressive Cultural and Historical Heritage

In addition to its academic offerings, Poland boasts a rich cultural and historical heritage. From stunning architecture to world-class museums, Poland offers a journey through time and an exploration of its unique cultural identity. Whether you’re interested in history, art, or architecture, Poland has something to captivate your interests.

From the iconic Wawel Castle in Kraków to Warsaw’s historical streets with WWII monuments, Poland’s history is ever-present. As the former European Capital of Culture in 2016, Wroclaw boasts a vibrant cultural scene and iconic dwarfs on its streets. 

Additionally, the country is a leader in non-GMO, bio, and organic food trends, making healthy eating easily accessible. Its straightforward capitalist system ensures an affordable supply of organic food. Lastly, its diverse cuisine complement Poland’s rich cultural scene, including comforting dishes like pierogi. 

Polish Hospitality and Safety

Lastly, Polish people are renowned for their extraordinary hospitality. And this is deeply ingrained in their culture. International visitors are often pleasantly surprised by the warmth and friendliness of the locals, who extend a warm welcome to outsiders.

This welcoming attitude is particularly evident in how they treat international students, making them feel like they are part of the Polish family. In fact, if you encounter any accommodation issues, don’t be surprised if your Polish friends offer you their flat for a night or two. 

They genuinely care about making your stay in Poland as comfortable and interesting as possible. This culture of hospitality not only ensures that international students feel at home in this foreign land but also contributes to a strong sense of belonging and comfort.

Additionally, the low crime rate in Poland adds to the overall feeling of security, making it an ideal and comfortable place to pursue your education. We’ll delve more on the subject in our guide on the culture, customs and traditions in Poland.


In conclusion, Poland offers a wide range of benefits for international students. It combines high-quality education, affordable living costs, and a vibrant cultural experience. The opportunity to work while studying and continue working after graduation adds to its allure. Poland’s stable economy and rich history make it a top choice for students seeking a well-rounded study adventure. By choosing Poland as your educational destination, you’re embarking on a journey of growth, learning, and unforgettable experiences.

About Herilalao

A versatile freelance content creator and SEO specialist, I have a passion for writing and a knack for optimizing online visibility. I help businesses and individuals enhance their online presence through engaging and well-researched content. From writing informative articles to optimizing websites for search engines, I thrive in finding ways to create and manage content that not only resonates with readers but also boosts visibility and drives organic traffic.

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