Study in China

The ultimate guide to study in Chine

How to study for a bachelor degree in China?

How to study for a bachelor degree in China

Reasons to complete a university degree in China are numerous. Not only, Chinese universities are among the best ranked in Asia and worldwide, but tuition fees are among the most affordable. Moreover, the Chinese government offer many scholarship programs and has reformed education in the country for the purpose of …

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How to get a master degree in China

There is so much to say about China and a number of reasons why getting to study there is an experience that’s worth the shot. Not only, you’ll get your education in a country marked by the richness of its culture, philosophy, art and history, but also in a thriving …

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The cost of studying and living in China

The cost of studying at a university in China

How much are the cost of living, tuition fees and other study expenses in China for international students? Universities’ tuition fees have changed a lot in China. In recent years, the country has made huge investment in the field of education. This went along China’s great economic development and growth …

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Customs and Traditions in China

Customs and Traditions in China: International Students Guide

Customs and traditions in China are an experience not to miss. Being one of the largest countries in the world, it goes to show you something. The country has a huge cultural diversity. Each region of China has its own customs and tradition. During your trip to China, you’d discover …

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How to Study in China in English: the 2024 guide

How to Study in China in English | Student Guide

Wondering if you can study in China in English? Then, you’ve come to the right place to get answers to your questions! With the developments in the Chinese economy, making the country a destination for thousands of students every year. Study in China in English is now possible for all …

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Finding Student Accommodation in China

Finding accommodation in China

When you receive your acceptance letter from the admission university in China, you’d think this is it. You’re wrong! Finding a student accommodation in China is one of the important things to do to ensure a study trip without hassle. We have already published an article about the cost of …

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How to Apply to a University in China

How to Apply to a University in China in 2020

To apply to a university in China, you’d have to go through a number of steps, the first of which is to register at a Chinese university. However, there are procedures for carrying out. Questions like how to apply to a university in China and what documents are necessary is …

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