You dream to study in the USA or would like to continue your graduate studies at top international universities? And with all the information available, you don’t know where to start? You need answers to questions such as: how to apply to an American university, how to apply for a student visa, are there any scholarships available and other troubling questions.
Luckily for you, we have prepared a series of resources you can use as a complete guide to study in America. Read further to have all the information you need to prepare for your student life in the USA and get the most of your study abroad experience in the country.
Also learn the difference and similarities between studying in the USA and in the UK.
Planning your trip to America
When asked about the reasons why they want to study in the USA, students will always mention first the excellent education. As a matter of fact, the U.S. has one of the world’s finest learning frameworks, with fabulous programs overall disciplines. Not only that but the education system boasts a flexibility you won’t find anywhere else. This gives students enough space and time to decide in what career they want to specialize and prepare for.
Moreover, studying in the USA offers other advantages, opening doors for students to work anywhere they want in the world, among many other benefits. We have a resource on the subject you can check out. Add to that our tips for international students in the USA, to help you prepare and adjust to your new life abroad in America.
Learn here what are the benefits of studying in USA for international students.
How much does it cost to go study in USA?
The USA is the most popular study destination among international students. However, one of the main setbacks that many mentions, next to getting admission at universities, is the high cost of study. In fact, tuition fees in the USA are among the most expensive in the world (between $25,000 and $35,000). And it’s the case whether you get in a public or a private university.
There is also the cost of living, including the accommodation rent, which will make up a large part of your student budget in USA. Our best advice for you is to choose a university in one of the cheapest cities in the US for students, and from there, you can plan how you’re going to fund your studies in America.
Of course, we have compiled for you a list of scholarship programs for international students in the USA. To sum up, it’s going to be expensive, but not impossible. And the investment you will make in your studies will be well worth it!
Check out our guide about student accommodation in the USA.
Choose a study program and a university in the US
Now you have an idea of the student life in the USA and how much it’s going to cost, you have an idea of your possibilities. Next is to choose which study program are you going to specialize in, at what level and in what university.
Universities to study abroad in the USA
The USA is home to the world-leading institutions of higher education. In other words, the top universities in the US are also the top-ranked universities globally. Next to MIT, Harvard University, Stanford and so on, the United States is also home to top-notch specialized technical schools.
Whatever you hope to get out of your study time abroad in the USA, you’re sure to find a university that will meet the specialization you’re looking for. To help you narrow down your options, we have prepared for you:
- an overview of the education at private universities and schools in the USA
- a list of the universities and colleges in the USA with the highest acceptance rate for international students.
Study abroad programs
The United States has more than 5,000 institutions of higher education throughout its 50 states. Of those colleges and universities, nearly 4,000 of them offer degree-granting study programs. And you can find almost any study subjects from regular subjects to technical specialties. The country is called a melting pot for a very good reason!
For students unfamiliar with the college and university system, the US higher education system may seem complicated. To help you choose a field of study, we provide you with an overview of some key areas along with the top universities offering courses in each specialty. So whether you wish to study computer science, civil engineering, medicine, pharmacology, nuclear engineering, aerospace or aircraft engineering, we’ve got you covered.
US education system: degrees and qualifications
Undergraduate studies in the USA last between 2 and 4 years, where students earn either an associate (2 years) or a bachelor’s degree. Usually, students get foundational education in their area of study during the first half and then choose a major to focus on the remaining years. Graduate degrees are only for students who have a bachelor’s degree.
In the US, it is called post-graduate studies, which last 5 years or more. This depends on whether the student follows up with a master’s or choose to do their PhD right away. Students who have a master’s degree in the US can complete their PhD in only 3 years.
Learn here how PhD’s in the USA work.
Moreover, many universities in the US, offer now their students the possibility to earn their degree online. These distance learning programs in the USA are for students who can’t afford to leave their home country for several years. This is an advantageous way to earn a prestigious degree from anywhere in the world.
Apply to study in the USA
If you’ve decided you want to study in the United States, you’ve chosen your program and universities, the hard part now is the application process. This procedure can quickly become confusing and intimidating for international students. That’s why we broke down for you the steps to take to get into an American college or university.
Learn here how to apply to universities in the United States.
Once you’ve secured your admission at a university, the next step is to apply for a student visa in the USA. One thing to remember about visas in the USA is that the type of visa you get will determine if you can or cannot work and study at the same time in the US. Usually, you have the choice between a F1, a J1 or a M1 student visa in the United States.
And the last thing to wrap your mind around, afterwards is to subscribe to a health insurance to cover your medical costs during your study stay. Many international students are not fully aware of the importance of having an insurance coverage. We have therefore prepared a guide on the best health insurance for international students in the USA.