Once you have chosen a university to study in the United States, you should organize your steps and learn how does the application to American universities work. You need as well learn about the enrollment procedure and admission requirements at US universities.

As a matter of fact, numerous students waste their time in understanding the requirements for application and enrollment. We don’t want you to be one of them!
Here, you can see the top 10 universities in the United States
Table of Contents
American universities application process
You will need to complete your application form through the official website of the university in which you wish to study. Most American universities have common application requirements. Hence, we will highlight, for example, Harvard University.
Harvard enrollment for non-US students is no different from students from within the United States. Being that, whether you come from America or abroad, the requirements for enrollment are the same. Basically, the paid application fee is with the amount of $75.
Harvard University and most US universities receive applications through this website.
Notes when using the site:
- If you are not registered with the site, you must first register through “Create An Account” button.
- After registration, you can type the name of the university you wish to join in the search box. For example Harvard University
- Click on the “Application Form” button and start filling in the required data for submission.
Requirements for application and admission to American universities
English Proficiency Test
It includes TOEFL or IELTS, depending on the requirements of each university. Basically, some universities do not require a certain choice of one of them. Some prefer IELTS and some prefer TOEFL just like Harvard.
Learn more about IELTS
SAT or ACT test
ACT (American College Testing) is a mathematic and logic test. ACT test includes 4 tests: English, Reading, Mathematics, and Science plus an optional 30-minute essay.
On the other hand, SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) is a test of logic and subjects of knowledge, depending on the chosen college. Obviously, the difference between ACT or SAT test is not significant, so either of the two tests is sufficient.
Personal Interview
This requirement is not required in all universities, and the absence of it for any reason will not affect your admission and registration.
Financial Support
When you need financial support from the University, forexample, Harvard, they do not differentiate between being an American studentor not, or even if you are from inside or outside the United States.
Letters of recommendation for American universities application
An essential element when applying to any university abroad, not only the United States. Certainly, you have to be careful when choosing who is going to be the one responsible to do that.
Copy of your certificates
Either high-school certificate when you apply for abachelor’s degree, or university certificate when you join a postgraduatedegree. Moreover, all certificates should contain all data and cumulativeestimates over the whole years.
Personal Speech
This letter is a valuable opportunity for students to talk about things that did not address in the application. In fact, for a good letter, you need a perfect opening paragraph.
Indeed, this is one of the most important points to pay attention to when you write the letter. As an illustration, start by introducing yourself, your field of study, your interest, your skills, etc.,
Furthermore, state the reasons for your choice of this university and what it can add to your career. You can also mention how you see yourself over the past years and how you see it in the future. All these are very important tips which will definitely help you when you decide to apply for USA Universities.
Now that you know the application procedure to American universities, check here our list of the universities with the highest acceptation rates in the US.
American universities application deadline
In the USA, admission in some of the top universities is offered to international students on the basis of early application. You must then be ready to application as soon as possible, at starting date of each intake.
Also, because the immigration process following university application, might take more time. Hence, fall intake takes place from June to mid-September. Following is winter intake which closes at the beginning of October. And finally, spring deadline takes place in April.
However, most international students opt for regular decision application, which deadlines fall between the beginning and mid-January. This varies depending on the university or the program. After you submit all the necessary documents, you then get admission confirmation by March or April.
Student Visa
The types of student visa in America vary depending on the type of education or course. All these are very important tips which will definitely help you when you decide to apply for USA Universities
At last, find information about types of visas, necessary procedures, visa interview, forms and payment fees in the following article.
I’m going to be a student of USA
Hi Mukhammad,
I wish you good luck with your studies.