Everything You Need to Know About the Student Visa in Hungary

Are you considering the idea of studying in the enchanting land of Hungary? You’re not the only one, as the country has piqued the interest of many international students in the last few decades. And the reasons for this are numerous. Among them is the cultural richness, the vibrant student communities on campus, or the rising internationalization of many institutions to align themselves with the best worldwide. But before you pack your bags and head off to Hungary, there’s one crucial thing you need to secure: your student visa. We’ve compiled the steps you need to walk through to obtain a visa to study in Hungary: from meeting the requirements to submitting your application and other practical questions. So let’s dive in!

Why Choose Hungary for Your Studies?

Before delving into the intricacies of the student visa application process, it’s always a good thing to understand your motivation in choosing Hungary. This small country in the heart of Europe has so much to offer, including a solid higher education system. 

Are you drawn to its universities, its diverse student communities, or the opportunity to see more of Europe? All of these are legitimate motivations to make the most of your academic journey in Hungary. Here are some of the common motifs international students opt for Hungary for university studies.

Diverse Academic Opportunities

Hungary boasts a wide array of universities and colleges that offer programs in various fields, including science, technology, humanities, and the arts. From prestigious institutions like Eötvös Loránd University to Budapest University of Technology and Economics, you’re sure to find programs tailored to your academic interests.

Learn here about the top universities in Hungary.

Affordable Tuition Fees

One of the most attractive aspects of studying in Hungary is the affordability factor. Compared to other European countries, Hungary offers high-quality education at relatively lower tuition fees. This makes it an ideal destination for international students seeking value for their investment.

Unique Cultural Experience

Hungary’s central location in Europe makes it a melting pot of cultures and influences. As a student, you will not only receive a quality education, but also will get the opportunity to immerse yourself in a culturally diverse environment. From historic cities to breathtaking landscapes, Hungary is worth the visit!

Types of Study Visa in Hungary

A student visa is your ticket to pursuing higher education in Hungary. And when it comes to visas, a careful planning is crucial. Most especially as the type of visa you need to apply for depends on your nationality on one hand and on the type and duration of your studies on the other.

For students from non-European countries

In the case of non-EU citizens, Hungary usually offers two main types of student visas:

  • Short-term Visa (Type C): This is suitable for students planning to stay in Hungary for up to 90 days.
  • Long-term Visa (Type D) / Residence Permit : If you’re enrolled in a full-degree program or a course that lasts longer than 90 days, this visa is your go-to option.

Since Hungary is a member of the Schengen Area, any visas and permits from a Schengen state are valid in Hungary. And on the other hand, any visa and permit that Hungarian authorities abroad award a student, are valid throughout the Schengen area, not only in Hungary. 

In this case, you should apply for the student visa at the Hungarian Consulate of your home country. For students who plan to stay more than 90 days in Hungary, the student visa needs to apply for a residence permit. They can do so as long as they have admission to a full-time program at a Hungarian institution of higher education. 

Furthermore, a residence permit allows non-EU/EEA citizens to remain in Hungary for a minimum period of 90 days and a maximum period of 2 years. This is the type of residence permit that foreign students, foreign skilled workers and researchers affiliated to an accredited research organization in Hungary must apply for.

For EU and EEA nationals

For stays not exceeding 90 days, students who are EEA citizens don’t need any visa to enter the Hungarian territory, as long as they produce a valid travel document or a personal identification document. In the case they plan to stay more than 90 days, they must register at the regional directorate of the Hungarian National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing. This procedure must be done withing 93 days from the time of entry in Hungary. 

In this case, they must provide a valid admission confirmation from an education institution or any document to verify their student status. Following this process, they obtain a certificate of registration that has no expiry date and is valid along the student’s passport or ID document. 

Application Process for a Hungary Student Visa

Once you’ve gathered the necessary documents and meet the eligibility criteria, it’s time to start the application process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through it:

Complete the visa application form

Get the application form from the Hungarian embassy or consulate in your home country, or download it from their website.

Gather the required documents

Ensure you have all the necessary documents. This usually includes your admission letter, passport, proof of financial means, proof you meet the language skill requirements, and health insurance.

Schedule your Hungary student visa appointment

Contact the Hungarian embassy or consulate to schedule a visa appointment.

Attend the visa interview

Be prepared for an interview, where you may be asked about your study plans and financial situation.

Pay the visa fee

Pay the non-refundable visa fee as per the embassy’s instructions.

Wait for a decision

After your interview, the embassy will process your application. Expect to receive a decision in the upcoming days.

Hungary Student Visa Requirements

To avoid any hiccups in your visa application process, make sure you have the following essential documents:

  • Valid passport: Your passport should be valid for at least six months beyond your intended entry in Hungary. 
  • Letter of acceptance: A formal letter from your Hungarian educational institution confirming your enrollment.
  • Details of accommodation arrangement: Evidence that you have a place to stay in Hungary.
  • Proof of financial means: Bank statements or a scholarship letter to demonstrate your ability to support yourself.
  • Health insurance: Proof of comprehensive health insurance coverage for the duration of your stay.
  • Visa application form: All information should be correct, so make sure to check well before you submit it.
  • Passport photos: You need 3 photos that are not more than 6 months old.
  • Proof of payment of your tuition fee: Students who have a scholarship don’t need to provide this document

Keep also in mind that when applying for a student visa to Hungary, you must have a sponsor. And this sponsor should be either a parent or a legal guardian. No other relatives, such as siblings, aunts, uncles, or grandparents, are eligible to be your sponsor. 

Interview Questions for the Student Visa in Hungary

When applying for a student visa to study in Hungary, you’ll likely face either an interview or a written assessment at your local Hungarian embassy. The visa interview is a critical step in the application process. Be prepared to answer questions about your study plans, your financial situation, and your intentions in Hungary. A confident and well-prepared interview can significantly increase your chances of visa approval.

Common student visa interview questions relate to five categories:

Your Motivation and Knowledge

The embassy aims to ensure your genuine interest in studying in Hungary. Questions may revolve around your reasons for choosing Hungary, its cultural life, valuable degrees, and specializations.

The University and Program Choice

Expect inquiries regarding why you selected your university and study program, emphasizing practical education, rankings, and specializations.

Your Curriculum of choice

You may get questions about the subjects you plan to study in your chosen program. You therefore need a thorough understanding of the curriculum.

Other European Universities

Honesty is key when discussing whether you’ve applied to other European universities and why you opted for your chosen one.

Post-Academic Plans

Be prepared to discuss your post-graduation intentions, whether it’s pursuing further studies, gaining professional experience, or returning home with a European degree.

Additionally, there might be questions about your familiarity with Hungary, any previous visas, or visits to the country. You might also need to specify whether you applied through an educational agency. Basic knowledge questions about Hungary, such as its currency, official language, capital city, neighboring countries, prime minister, and population, are also fair game. 

And since sponsorship is crucial, be ready to answer to questions on the matter also. You must be transparent about the source and savings allocated for your education. Lastly, expect some less conventional questions meant to gauge your intelligence, knowledge of European culture, or your ability to handle unexpected situations.

How Much Bank Balance is Required for the Hungary Student Visa?

Studying abroad can be costly, and Hungary is no exception. The Hungarian government wants to ensure that students can support themselves financially during their stay. You’ll need to show proof of sufficient funds to cover 12 months of living expenses. Usually, there is no definite amount mentioned, but an estimate of €8,000 is enough. Moreover, the applicant must provide bank account statements of the last 3 months. And the ending balance for the student visa should be at least €1,000. 

Health Insurance 

Health is wealth, and in Hungary, that saying holds true. To obtain a student visa in Hungary, you must subscribe to a comprehensive health insurance that covers any medical expenses you may incur during your stay. This ensures that you receive proper medical care if the need arises. This document should prove you have €30,000 coverage for your medical expenses. Moreover, when choosing an insurance provider and policy, make sure the medical insurance must be valid for the whole Schengen Area. 

Cost of the Study Visa to Hungary

Obtaining a Hungary student visa comes with a cost. Visa fees may vary depending on your home country and the type of visa you’re applying for. Usually, the standard processing fee for a visa to Hungary is €80. On the other hand, a residence permit for the purpose of study in Hungary will require €105 fee. However, it’s essential to check with the Hungarian embassy or consulate in your country for the most up-to-date fee information. You can pay this fee, either at the Hungarian consulate or at the client service office of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing (NDGAP). The last option is to pay it electronically, via NDGAP’s electronic information system.

Visa Processing Time and Validity Period 

For a short-stay visa, the processing will take up to 15 days. Exceptional cases might extend this period up to 30 – 60 days. Once your visa is approved, you’ll receive a sticker in your passport indicating the validity of your visa. Be sure to check the dates carefully. It’s essential to enter Hungary within the specified dates to avoid any issues. 


Congratulations, you now have all the crucial information on how to obtain a student visa to Hungary. Better yet, you’re fully equipped to start an exciting journey in this beautiful European country. Our last tip is to be mindful of the deadlines and to make sure you have all your documents in order. Best of luck in your visa application and later your study adventure in Hungary!

About Herilalao

A versatile freelance content creator and SEO specialist, I have a passion for writing and a knack for optimizing online visibility. I help businesses and individuals enhance their online presence through engaging and well-researched content. From writing informative articles to optimizing websites for search engines, I thrive in finding ways to create and manage content that not only resonates with readers but also boosts visibility and drives organic traffic.

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