Work and Study in Germany for International Students

As an international student, you plan to study abroad while making some money on the side? Well, hold on to your lederhosen because we’re about to dive into a world where education meets sauerkraut, and it’s called Germany. Germany is a popular destination for international students due to its world-class education system and favorable work regulations for foreign students. In this article, we’ll show you how to make the most of your student life in Germany, both academically and financially. We’re going to cover the ins and outs, the dos and don’ts, and a few tips on how to study and work at the same time in Germany. 

Why should you work and study at the same time in Germany?

Germany is like the El Dorado of education for international students. Why? Because it offers world-class education practically for free! Most public universities in Germany charge little to no tuition fees. You can save thousands of dollars compared to studying in some other countries. 

And there’s more! Germany has a thriving job market and a strong economy. It’s the powerhouse of Europe, with plenty of job opportunities for students who want to earn while they learn. So, working part-time while pursuing your university studies in Germany actually provides a pathway to financial independence. 

Beyond financial benefits, part-time employment enables students to gain hands-on practical experience related to their chosen field of study, expanding their academic horizon. And for international students, it’s a chance to sharpen their language skills and immerse themselves in the local culture. 

Moreover, building a professional network, honing essential soft skills, and balancing work with studies are invaluable assets that can boost employability. You, for sure, will get a smoother transition into the job market. With flexible class schedules and a welcoming work-study environment, Germany encourages students to seize these opportunities. And you’re fully set up for success during and after their university years.

Work Regulations for International Students in Germany

Understanding the legal aspects of working in Germany is crucial to avoid any complications. Make sure therefore to learn about the maximum hours you can work as an international student and the rules that govern your employment.

How Many Hours Can International Students Work in Germany?

As an international student in Germany, you are allowed to work part-time for a maximum of 20 hours per week during the semester. However, during semester breaks, you can work full-time without any restrictions. 

Work Permits and Study Visa Regulations in Germany

As an international student, you can work up to 120 full days or 240 half days per year without needing a separate work permit. Your student visa is generally sufficient. However, it’s crucial to check with your university’s international office to confirm the specific regulations that apply to your situation.

Taxes and Financial Considerations

Earning money in Germany means understanding the tax implications and managing your finances wisely. As a student worker, you’ll need to pay taxes on your income. But here’s the silver lining – you can get most of it back when you file your tax return.

Health Insurance

Health insurance is mandatory in Germany. You’ll need to choose between public and private insurance. Public insurance is generally more affordable, making it a sensible choice for students.

You can also read our guide on health insurance for international students in Germany

Part-Time Jobs Opportunities in Germany for International Students

Germany wants to attract young talents from all over the world. That’s why it offers study visas that allow you to work part-time during the semester and full-time during semester breaks. Here’s the lowdown on your work options:

On-Campus Jobs

Many universities in Germany offer on-campus job opportunities for international students. These positions can include working at the library, cafeteria, or as a research assistant. These jobs are usually well-suited for students as they take into account your class schedule.

Off-Campus Work in Germany for Students

This type of student jobs is a popular choice. And it’s the perfect choice if you want to make some side income to fund your living expenses. Major cities like Berlin, Munich, and Frankfurt have a diverse job market with openings in various industries. These jobs can range from working in a café to language tutoring, working at call centers or even freelancing and doing remote work.


Internships in Germany are a fantastic way to work and gain practical experience in your field of study. Many companies offer internship programs, and some even pay a stipend. To find the right internship, utilize online job portals, university career centers, and networking events.

Working Student Positions

Ever heard of “Werkstudenten” positions? These are part-time jobs directly related to your field of study. They not only pay well, but also give you practical insights into your future career. You’ll get the opportunity to apply what you’ve acquired in class and in the long run, you might potentially get a position with the same company after graduation!

How Much a Student Can Earn in Germany Per Hour?

Now, the fun part – money! Germany has a minimum wage law, which means even part-time jobs pay reasonably well. In Germany, the minimum wage ranges from €12 to €12.82 per hour, but it varies slightly from region to region. However, for “mini-jobs” such as retail positions, working at a café, your earnings cannot exceed €450 per month. 

Working student positions on the other hand pay a little better, since you can earn up to €14 per hour. To give you a clearer picture, imagine working 20 hours a week at €14 an hour. That’s an extra €1120 in your pocket every month! Of course, you’ll cross the tax threshold. But as a student, you can always claim for tax returns at the end of the tax year. 

Finding Part-Time Jobs for Students in Germany

Navigating many listings in order to get a student job is not an easy task. But with the right approach, you can secure a job and effectively work as you study in Germany. Here are some effective strategies to find student jobs: 

University Support

Universities often feature career services to help students find job opportunities and prepare for interviews. Make sure to start by checking your university job board to find any interesting opening. 


Networking is a vital aspect of job hunting in Germany. Here are some effective ways to expand your professional network:

  • LinkedIn Profile: Create a polished LinkedIn profile showcasing your skills and experience.
  • Networking Events: Attend industry-related events, conferences, and job fairs to connect with potential employers.
  • Professional Associations: Join relevant professional associations to gain access to exclusive job listings.

Local Job Portals

You can also utilize German job portals to explore job opportunities. Among the platforms you can check out, there are: Xing, StepStone, Stellenwerk, Berlin startup jobs among others.

Work and Study in Germany: More Tips to Secure a Student Job 

To provide you with the most valuable insight on securing a job in Germany, here are a few tips you can follow to outshine the competition successfully: 

Understand the German Job Market

Before diving into job search strategies, it’s essential to understand the dynamics of the German job market. Germany boasts a robust economy, with opportunities in various industries. The country’s low unemployment rate and strong demand for skilled workers make it an attractive destination for jobseekers worldwide.

Read also our guide on how to work in Germany after graduation.

Explore Industry Trends

To stand out in the competitive job market, it’s crucial to stay updated with industry trends. Germany has a diverse range of sectors, including automotive, engineering, information technology, and healthcare. Research and identify the sectors that align with your skills and career aspirations.

Overcome the Language Barrier

You might be thinking, “But I don’t speak German fluently!” Don’t fret. Many international students get by with just English. Germany is increasingly offering English-taught programs, and in major cities like Berlin and Frankfurt, English is widely spoken. However, while not mandatory, learning some basic German can open up even more job opportunities.

Build a Strong Application

When applying for jobs or internships, your resume and cover letter play a significant role. Ensure your resume highlights your academic achievements and any relevant work experience. Tailor your cover letter to the specific job and company you’re applying to. Moreover, in Germany, it’s common to include a professional photo on your resume.

Essential Tips for a Successful Work-Study Balance in Germany

Balancing work and study is essential for your academic success. To juggle your responsibilities effectively, start by developing strong time management skills. You can create a study schedule, and prioritize your academic commitments. 

Additionally, maintaining good health and well-being is crucial. Ensure you get enough rest, exercise regularly, and seek support from university counseling services if needed. A healthy body and mind will help you excel in both work and studies.

Lastly, you can also talk to other international students who successfully managed to balance their work and study life in Germany. Their experiences can offer valuable insights into making the most of your time as a student.


Studying in Germany as an international student is not just about hitting the books. is not just about hitting the books. It’s an opportunity to expand your horizons and earn some money while you’re at it. With a world-class education, an abundance of work opportunities as well as financial support, Germany is a top study destination. So, gear up, learn a bit of German, and start to step into the German job market through working as an international student today!

About Herilalao

A versatile freelance content creator and SEO specialist, I have a passion for writing and a knack for optimizing online visibility. I help businesses and individuals enhance their online presence through engaging and well-researched content. From writing informative articles to optimizing websites for search engines, I thrive in finding ways to create and manage content that not only resonates with readers but also boosts visibility and drives organic traffic.

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