10 Pieces of Advice for International Students in Czech Republic

International students looking for a unique study abroad experience should consider the Czech Republic. A country famous for its impressive castles, its medieval old towns and beautiful landscapes, the Czech Republic is a great combination of the best from Eastern and Western Europe.

For foreign students in Czech Republic, we have prepared 10 pieces of advice to get the best of your international student life in the country. These are the most important info for your study adventure in the Czech Republic. 

1- Czechs Are Nice

The Czech people are nice and amicable, but there are some differences that you may be unfamiliar with.
Usually, Czechs say good day or dobrý den when they enter a shop, train compartment, elevator, or even when they visit a doctor.

2- Respect Transportation Manners

While using the escalators, always be on the right side to allow other people to pass from the left side.
In public transport, let the passengers get out of the train or metro first. It is normal to leave your seat in the public transport for the elders, pregnant women, and children.

3- International Students in Czech Republic should Watch the Weather

Our 3rd advice for international students in Czech is to watch the weather.

Indeed, the coat is important not only in winter, but also in early spring and late autumn. As for winter, it is necessary to have the following clothes: wool scarf and cap, gloves, in addition to warm waterproof shoes.

4- Learn the Local Language

Learn to pronounce the main words in the local language, such as hello, thank you, sorry, excuse me, please, and good day. It’s the bare minimum, and you will find yourself saying them a lot in the Czech Republic.

Learning even one or two words in the local Czech language will make your interaction more enjoyable. Always remember that the more you tried to speak the language, the easier it got.

5- Represent Your Country

It is important to remember that you are not in your country, and it is important to represent your country in a very positive way. Being in the Czech Republic among other international students, it is better to avoid offending any person or culture. Put in your consideration that not everything will be easy and comfortable as in your home country.

Learn also how to adapt to the customs and culture in the Czech Republic as an international student

6- Get to Know the City

To study abroad in the Czech Republic, international students usually prefer the capital city, Prague, but also Liberec, Brno, and Olomouc. Moreover, around 61 institutions of higher education in the country are located in more than 20 towns, which give you the opportunity to choose among many locations. 

Whatever city in the Czech Republic you choose to settle in, try to attend as many events organized by the program or the local university as you can. This will be a great way to see your new city from the perspective of the people who are living there. This is an addition to the opportunities offered by such events, like the interaction with the program’s members and counselors.

7- Organize Your Time

Use just one calendar to record all your personal, study, and work commitments. Write down all the due dates and exams. Write down the amount of time you want to allocate per week for every activity, and add all your weekly commitments to your calendar.

Give yourself additional time, as things may not work as planned, and you have to be ready for such things. For instance, trains may come late.

Always try to get up half an hour earlier. This will give you more than three additional hours a week.

Learn also how to study and work in the Czech Republic for international students

8- Always Carry Your Official Documents

You should always carry your identification papers, such as the passport, ID, and residence card, in addition to the medical insurance card that you should show when requested by the police officer. Although it is rare to be asked to identify yourself, these papers can save you a lot of problems.

Learn also how to get a student visa in the Czech Republic

9- Appreciate the Cultural Richness

The Czech Republic is a country where you can find many cultures of different origins, such as the culture of the Slavic, Germanic and Jewish communities.

During your study, do not miss visiting museums, old churches and cathedrals, and walking through historic areas.

10- Enjoy Your Stay in the Czech Republic

Set small, achievable goals for yourself every day or every week. Award yourself by some personal time when you achieve those goals. Study hard. Get to know the country you are living in and enjoy its culture and cuisine. Travel when possible. It is not only about your studies, but also about yourself and your life.

Learn also about the best universities in the Czech Republic for international students

About Sara

A professional Eng><Ara translator and writer.

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