The Best 10 Universities to Study Medicine in Denmark and their Specialities

Universities in Denmark have various specialties, so you’ll always have a variety of options to choose from. On the other hand, many high school graduates want to study medicine. In this article, we will discuss all you need to know on the matter of medical studies and medical universities in Denmark.

As an international student studying at a university in Denmark, you’ll get to experience an innovative and versatile method of teaching. Additionally, you’ll get all the necessary skills for future success. It should be noted, Danish universities view students as the center of everything and an integral part of the teaching process.

If you study medicine in Denmark, you will have many future opportunities in the medical field. That being said, most medical programs in Denmark are taught in Danish. However, there are some universities that provide international students the option to study medicine in Denmark in English.

Read our article on the top universities in Denmark

Also read how to study in Denmark in English

University of Southern Denmark: : Medicine programs

Biomedical studies (medical biology)

The University of Southern Denmark offers a two-year medical biology program for €13,500 a year. To apply, you need to have a Bachelors degree in medical biology, a Bachelor’s degree in molecular medicine from Aarhus University or a Bachelors degree in molecular medical biology from Copenhagen University. Additionally, you can also apply if your Bachelors degree is relevant to this specialty.

Medical biology is the study of diseases and medical conditions on the molecular and cellular levels. Additionally, this specialty bridges the gap between medicine and science. You will gain experience from doctors who help students develop methods for diagnosing and treating patients based on the latest technology in the field of research.

Learn more about University of Southern Denmark.

Medicinal chemistry

To apply for the medicinal chemistry program, you need a bachelors degree in pharmacy, chemistry or medicinal chemistry. You also need to get a score of 6.5 out of 10 on your English language proficiency exam.

The program is a mixture of researching chemical substances and applying them in the pharmaceutical field. As a chemical pathologist, you can work in pharmaceutical manufacturing, health care, university or other research establishments.

Copenhagen University

Veterinary medicine

The department of veterinary and animal science at Copenhagen University offers a veterinary medicine program. This department is one of the best in Denmark if you want to become a vet. Additionally, this program is taught at two teaching hospitals for modern veterinary medicine. They are also among the best hospitals in Europe.

Furthermore, you can work as a vet in a clinic after graduation. Additionally, you can work in animal technology manufacturing or in medical biology. It should be noted, there is a constant demand for vets in Denmark.

Read more about Copenhagen University


If you want to study dentistry, you should definitely check the faculty of health and medical sciences at Copenhagen University. This faculty provides a three-year-long Bachelors program and a two-year Masters program.

Additionally, the program is two parts: theoretical and applied. In fact, you’ll learn all you need to know about dentistry and treating gum, mouth and tooth diseases. Not only that, but if you’ll get all the skills you need for healthcare and diagnosis in the field of dentistry.

Other prestigious Medical Universities for MBBS in Denmark

There are many other universities in Denmark that offer medical-related programs:

How long does it take to be a doctor in Denmark?

The medical programs in English we mentioned above allow you to work in the broad field of medicine. But to become a medical doctor in Denmark, you need to complete a 6-year curriculum and undergo an internship program, and you can only do that only if you speak Danish. 

The medical program at the universities in Denmark consists of 3-year bachelor’s followed with 3 more years to earn a master in Medicine. After these 6 years, you then have to do at least 1-year residency in a Danish hospital. Only after that you can register as a doctor at the Danish Patient Safety Authority.

And there’s no way you will be able to go through residency without speaking Danish, since you need to be able to communicate with patients. But no need to worry, if you have made up your mind to go that route! Usually, Danish universities offer free courses to help you master the language. The trick is to start as soon as possible.

Read our article on how to apply to universities in Denmark and get a student visa in Denmark.

Also, about how to get a scholarship in Denmark.

About Hiba


  1. Hello, I just finished my 3rd year of medical faculty in O.O.Bohomolec Kiev.
    My program is in English and it’s duration is 6 years
    I would like to ask about the possibility of transferring.
    My nationality is Polish (EU).
    Simultaneously to studying in my medical school I did two years of law school in Poland (I am enrolled there at the moment).
    I need to transfer due to an unpleasant situation that happened this year regarding my nationality and complicated international relations between Poland and Ukraine.
    Looking forward for your response,
    Anita Wasinska

    • Hello Anita,
      I advise you to contact directly the universities in Denmark and they will tell you if you are eligible for the equivalency. You can write them online and alternatively, you can check in person with the Denmark embassy.
      All the best Anita.

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