Studying Pharmacy in Spain: Top Postgraduate and Undergraduate programs

Now that you’re caught up on studying medicine in Spain, in this article, we’ll be covering the pharmacy study and how to become a pharmacist in Spain.

Studying Pharmacy in Spain

Bachelor of Pharmacy study in Spain

The Bachelor’s degree focuses on two main concepts:

  1. The study plan: Where both structure and developments in subject books on the patient.
  2. Pharmacy practice classes: a unique concept in which students interact with real patients, and acquire skills in managing medicine, all from the first year.

Well-known active professionals teach the study plan, and it includes materials related to chemistry, microbiology, pharmacology, pharmaceutical botany, and other branches of pharmacy that will ensure receiving an integrated and versatile education.

Next to the degree, the students will have access to a free qualification program in Pharmacy and Marketing management. This further complements the degree and improves one’s job opportunities. The program improves student skills in financial and strategic management, inventory management, and marketing tools to apply to the pharmacy.

Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy

CEU San Pablo University teaches this unique degree in English or Spanish. And it offers one of the oldest types of science with a completely fresh and innovative perspective. CEU San Pablo strives to help its graduates become highly qualified and versatile pharmacists.

The university’s leading educational infrastructure, consisting of over 40 laboratories for basic and specialized applications, can benefit you.

Students have the opportunity to get the certification and other subjects like human nutrition, optics, optics and hearing, business and management, or biotechnology. The University of Chicago Clinical Experiences Management Program certificate and is available in bilingual format,

Master’s degree in pharmaceutical chemistry (Chemical Institute Sarriá (IQS))

This master’s degree prepares students for employment in various industrial sectors. Starting in the academic and industrial research sector, the pharmaceutical industry, to the biomedical sector, and other related sectors.

Study pharmacy in Spain

This is the only Master’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry in English with less than 120 credits. Also, EUROMASTER accreditation and ASIIN which reviews both logic and effectiveness of the qualification process within the study program.

Admission Requirements

The Admission Committee is responsible to check whether applicants are suitable for enrollment in this Master’s program or not. You can undergo supplementary courses to meet the admission requirements.

Degree Synopsis

Students will acquire a global view of the drug development process (research, production, and organization). Moreover, 50% of the patent takes place in the laboratories. Students can carry out a master’s thesis in pharmaceutical corporations and to undertake internal training in companies.

You can add a master’s degree with an MBA degree in Industrial Business Management. This way, you can get two Master’s degrees within two years.

As an IQS student, you will benefit from IQS jobs. This provides career guidance to facilitate the recruitment of IQS graduates.

Master’s degree in pharmaceutical research

The Master’s degree objective in Medicinal Research is to prepare researchers for a future of innovation and research. From the development of new drugs for the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases to improving the health and overall life of patients. Similarly, the program prepares you for PhD studies degrees.

Admission Requirements

To be eligible for admission, students must first obtain a degree from a Spanish university. Having a degree from foreign education systems is allowed as long as you achieve the level of studies equivalent to the official degrees at any Spanish University.

As long as these qualifications in the country of issuance allow the student to apply for a postgraduate program.

You must have a Bachelor’s degree in one of the following fields: Medicine, Pharmacy, Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Veterinary Medicine, Psychology, Nursing or any other field related to health sciences.

Applicants must possess a B2 level in the English language.

Find out how to succeed your IELTS.

Can you study Pharmacy in English in Spain?

The answer is yes. However, English language programs are still in their early days in Spain so pharmacy study in English is no exception. Among the most popular universities among international students who study pharmacy are the IQS Foundation, the Universidad Cardenal Herrera and the University of Barcelona. 

IQS Foundation

We have already said a lot about IQS, and you can learn more about the pharmacy program of the institution a few paragraphs above. Just keep in mind that their undergraduate program is equivalent to a master’s degree in any other Spanish university. This gives you an idea about the quality of education in this institution. 

Training is also of a high quality, with their 1,200+ hours of laboratory work and mandatory internships of more than 6 months in pharmacy offices or hospitals. And to offer students the best foundation possible before entering the job market, they have to complete an additional training of 3 months in the pharmaceutical industry. 

Universidad Cardenal Herrera

The Universidad Cardenal Herrera is also a very interesting option for students interested in becoming a pharmacist in Spain. And it’s not only because the university’s pharmacy degree is provided in English for 50% of the courses and in Spanish for the remaining 50%. During their training, students receive an education that is based on patient care, but it also trains them to be more employable.

What makes this program stand out is that the university has a Pharmacy Practice Classroom, which is a replica of a real pharmacy designed for students’ practice. Students, then, learn to interact with patient and manage different medications in real time, starting in their first year. 

The Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Science of the University of Barcelona

UB is a leading university, not only in Spain, but internationally. It comes then with no surprise that they offer a stimulating study such as pharmacy in their programs. And it happens that their faculty of Pharmacy and Food Science is offering a degree program in English. And after their studies, students have the choice between 2 types of specializations: Industrial Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Research or Care in Pharmacy and Clinical Analysis.

About Sam

Sam is an editor in chief at Aljawaz, with a decade-plus experience in improving and advising students travelling progams in Asia, North America and EU. Views are his own.

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